I have included a couple of references to languages other than english. This is particularly where it would be great if other people could let me know of some exceptional books. This is where I expect my friend Graham to weigh in or give me a wigging. These are ones which have excited me just reading about them:
ADAMS, William Howard; The French Garden 1500-1800. London, Scolar Press, [1979],
“A well-illustrated and important work showing the development of the French Garden from early Italian influences to attain a dominating position in European culture. Very well-illustrated. The author was with the National Gallery of Art in Washington. “
MAWE, Thomas, and John Abercrombie; Every Man his Own Gardener; The Compete Gardener, being a Gardener's Calendar or work to be done in the Kitchen, Fruit, Flower, Forcing Garden, &c. for Every Month in the Year...Directions for the Propagation, culture of Various Plants, Flowers, Shrubs,. London, J. F. and C. Rivington, T. Longman, B. Law, et al, 1787, eleventh edition, corrected and greatly enlarged.
This is a description from a specialist bookseller's list:
The preface of the edition of 1787 and also the preface to most later editions is signed by the
real author or only author of the book, John Abercrombie'. Includes all aspects of gardening in considerable detail, with extensive lists of plants arranged in categories (annuals, kitchen garden, hot house, flowering plants, fruit trees, etc.) It was the standard reference of the time. "Among eighteenth-century British nurserymen who became writers on p ractical gardening one of the most successful was John Abercrombie." (Henrey) It was first published in 1767 in about half the size of this edition. Mawe, a gardener to the Duke of Leeds, did not contribute, but his name was added because of his f ame at the time. This was an important gardening handbook of the time covering all aspects including greenhouse, hot-house, fruit growing, flowers, kitchen garden, etc. This edition has the added chapter Systematic Catalogue of Hot-House Plants, not in earlier editions. The work lists thousands of species of trees, plants, flowers by type.
What I dont know is whether the following book is by the same writer: -
Every Man His Own Gardener; an Account of Every Vegetable Production Cultivated for the Table by the Plough and the Spade. New York, Homans & Ellis, 1845. This is an American book. This is a book I would like to see but maybe only one or two copies around. Will have to ask some of my professional gardeners about this one.
MUENSCHER, Walter Conrad, Myron Arthur Rice; Garden Spice and Wild Pot-Herbs. Ithica, New York, Comstock Publishing Associates, 1955
Accurate botanical information about wild and cultivated herbs combined with excellent illustrations by Abbe, artist and scientific illustrator. Included in the descriptions are scientific names as well as French, German and Italian names, and much useful information to help grow, harvest and recognize wild herbs, good information on seed germination, hardiness, medicinal properties, cookery, etc.
Modern Most useful two books I have on growing and planning here in Spain are : Gardening in Spain by Marcelle Pitt. My edition's 1991 but it was first published by Mirador Books in 1988 .... and I know it has been revised since then. If you can pick up a second hand copy you will save lots of dosh. Why this book hasnt come out in Spanish defeats me. Gardening the Mediterranean Way – Practical Solutions to Summer Dry Climates Heidi Gildemeister Thames and Hudson She has also written Mediterranean Gardening: A Waterwise Approach (1995)
While I was nosing around Amazon though I discovered a couple of interesting other titles.
Heidi Gildemeister, que tratará sobre la planta mediterrá ... Heidi Gildemeister. Plantas: cómo trabajar con la vegetación ...
la darrera versió dels programes informàtics més usuals fins ... Heidi Gildemeister, El Jardín Mediterrani. Com podem crear un paradís verd amb poca aigua. ...
I hope this blog will let me keep adding to the list over posts.....
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