We are having an orgiastic time of planting roses and more fruit trees here. The weather over the weekend produced beautiful quantities of steady gentle rain to help everything bed in.
Utter joy this weekend - when we found an apple tree suitable for us and can you believe how two raspberry canes can produce immeasurable pleasure? Now if we can find a rhubarb plant......This really is a sad loss to me as in my Sutton Scotney garden people came to beg for our rhubarb it was so renowned.
I have just done some surfing to remind myself why I throw my banana skins under my rose bushes. Of course! It's the potassium - good for me and good for my roses. (Stumbled on a great site in the search which explains it rather well and there are other tips beside so will revisit sometime. )
The Gardens business in Spain is really new compared to UK. But there are green shoots as the current jargon would put it. Still it can be a bit of a lottery and probably all the more fun for all that.....
What is really interesting is the business of the no-name roses. Even when I think I have been given the name I find often it is wrong. Almost nothing has a name tag and research is via a lovely lot at the Peter Beale rose forum where opinions are also divided but they give me great clues and in the end we usually narrow it down. Whatever, I am learning a lot.
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